Pier Vittorio Aureli, Loveless: Minimum Dwelling and its Discontents

In 1932, Czech critic Karel Teige proposed a concept of minimum dwelling in which every person would have a private room, but all the other domestic functions would be communal. Taking Teige’s idea of minimum dwelling as a starting point, Dogma revisited 48 examples of minimum dwelling, from the medieval monk’s cell to the nineteenth-century American residential hotel, and from the Soviet Dom-Kommuna (communal apartments) to contemporary collective developments.

In this lecture, Aureli will discuss his research into minimum dwelling and his work in the Design Museum exhibition Home Futures.

28.01.2019 The Design museum, London.

Italian architect, educator and theorist Pier Vittorio Aureli is one of the most influential architectural thinkers of his generation. He combines his work as a tutor at London’s Architectural Association with the operation of his practice, Dogma, from Brussels.

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